How your donations make an impact:
$500 - $650
Gas for one round-trip transport from Kansas & Oklahoma to Colorado
Our monthly vehicle payments, oil-change and check-ups for Hope & Faith
Our monthly auto and liability insurance premiums
A vet visit and vaccinations for one of our passengers

Donate Funds or Items
Contribute to our cause with a monetary donation or much needed items to help the shelters and rescue groups we work with.

View Our Wish List
We always appreciate extra supplies or goodies to help the rescue animals we transport! If you'd like to help us fulfill our Wish List, please click the link below.

Become a Volunteer
We depend on the support of local businesses and people like you in our community! We're always looking for caring volunteers with time and a variety of skills to offer. Learn more about our Volunteer needs and sign-up to lend a hand.

Sponsor a Crate
Help support us by sponsoring a crate on Hope! We'll have a paw print plaque displayed on each sponsored crate that can be personalized to show a message of the sponsor's specifications. A great way to give to our cause and to dedicate a personal message in remembrance of or in honor or someone special. Please contact us for more info.

Shop with Amazon Smile
When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of every eligble purchase to your favorite charitable organization. So you can enjoy the same products, prices, and features you love, while helping to support our cause!

Raise Funds with the WoofTrax App
The WoofTrax app tracks your walks (long or short) with your dog, and donates funds to your selected organization every time you use the app! Simply download the free app, select 'Hope for Paws Colorado' as your rescue group of choice, and get to walkin'. The more people actively walking and using the app, the more donations you help raise!